Educational colorguide
Educational colorguide

For example, IT staff at Rock Hill Public Schools (SC) don masks and gloves to operate a computer drop off at the curb of the high school where parents or students can go to fix computer problems.

  • IT Troubleshooting: Districts must have a plan for repairing broken devices and providing IT support to students and families.
  • New York City Public Schools worked with Apple and T-Mobile to provide LTE-enabled iPads to distribute to students who did not have access. For example, New Orleans Public Schools (LA) has begun distributing nearly 10,000 Chromebooks to students in need, prioritizing homeless students, and in Seattle (WA), Amazon donated over 8,000 laptops to students in public schools. Some states and districts have partnered with businesses and local philanthropic organizations to provide devices to students in low-income communities.
  • One-to-one devices: Districts can then distribute existing resources from their schools or find other methods to provide devices.
  • Leaders in districts like Milwaukee Public Schools (WI) and Duval County Public Schools (FL) asked parents to complete a survey about their access to devices. For example, educators in Boise and Meridian school districts (ID) and Phoenix Union High School District (AZ) attempted to call every household with students to find out who needed additional resources and conducted home visits (using appropriate social distancing techniques) for the students they were unable to reach.
  • Map student access: An important step is for district leaders to get a comprehensive picture of students’ access to devices by calling, emailing, or surveying families.
  • #Educational colorguide how to

    Districts should be planning now for how to make up this lost learning time, which particularly affects our most vulnerable students, by implementing summer programs, extending the school year, and extending or restructuring school days for summer 2020, the 2020-21 school year, and summer 2021.

    educational colorguide

    The learning loss created by the COVID-19 crisis is going to be massive. Still, even under the best circumstances, distance learning is not a substitute for in-school education. Leaders is to monitor how the challenges posed by school closures are being addressed and to urge transparency about the impact of these efforts on all students in their communities.

    educational colorguide

    There isn’t yet research and data on best practices for ensuring continuity of learning during a global pandemic. In this guide, we share ideas that advocates and district leaders can consider when planning for how to continue teaching and supporting students, based on what other states and districts have begun to do. Depending on public health guidance, distance learning may be needed for the summer and parts of the next school year.

    educational colorguide

    Digital Promise and The Education Trust partnered to compile the following questions to guide equity advocates and district leaders as they engage in conversations about ensuring that our most vulnerable students have equitable access to distance learning, both now and for however Many states are leaving decisions about how to continue instruction during school closures up to districts.

    Educational colorguide