Hillsdale icollage
Hillsdale icollage

hillsdale icollage

Within six months of graduation, 98% are employed or attending graduate school.

  • Hillsdale grads are prepared not only to live well, but to pursue their vocations.
  • Students take advantage of the many all-campus events sponsored by the Student Activities Board and Campus Recreation Board, like the Garden Party, Color Run, Homecoming, President’s Ball, and Centralhallapalooza year-end celebration.
  • Volunteerism is an important part of campus culture for Hillsdale students, with thousands of volunteer hours logged each year through student-led G.O.A.L.
  • New clubs and organizations are invariably started annually based upon student interest.
  • All student organizations are led by students and approved by the Student Federation.
  • Some of the most popular include Spiritual Life, Greek Life, Competitive Speaking, and the Performing Arts.
  • There are more than 100 clubs, organizations, honoraries, and other activities to join at Hillsdale.
  • Hillsdale College offers 14 NCAA Division II varsity athletic teams and also offers opportunities in club and intramural athletics.
  • hillsdale icollage

    Two-thirds of students live on campus in 12 single-sex residence halls and eight Greek houses.Study abroad options are formally available in France, Germany, Spain, Argentina, England, and Scotland.

    hillsdale icollage

    House and Senate, the White House, national security agencies, policy organizations, news outlets, and private companies. Students can opt to take core courses while living in D.C., or participate in for-credit internships at places like the U.S. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship. Students have the opportunity to spend a semester or more at Hillsdale’s Washington, D.C.Students can meet these expectations by taking advantage of readily available office hours and by developing mentorship relationships with their teachers, which is common here. Hillsdale’s faculty are recognized for excellent teaching and scholarship, as well as for having high expectations of their students.All students benefit from core and major-level faculty advisors.Of 146 full-time faculty, 90% hold the highest degree in their disciplines.Student-to-faculty ratio is 9:1, the average class size is 15, and faculty teach all Hillsdale courses themselves - there are no teaching assistants.News and World Report, Princeton Review, Forbes, Colleges of Distinction, and Kiplinger’s. Hillsdale is regularly recognized nationally for quality and value, including recent rankings from U.S.Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship, and Imprimis, a national speech digest with a circulation of more than 5.6 million. Hillsdale conducts numerous outreach efforts promoting civil and religious liberty, including free, not-for-credit online courses, public lectures and lecture-series on campus and at the Washington, D.C.-based Allan P.Unique courses in Hillsdale’s core curriculum include Western and American Heritage, Great Books in the Western Tradition, Great Books in the British and American Traditions, Classical Logic and Rhetoric, Western Philosophical Tradition, Western Theological Tradition, and the U.S.All of the many ways to experience faith on campus reflect the lives and moral journeys of people seeking to understand their own beliefs. Spiritual life is important to both faculty and students who come from a variety of faith backgrounds. Though Hillsdale is religiously unaffiliated, it identifies as Christian.Hillsdale operates independently of federal and state funding, yet flourishes financially, thanks to the past and continuing generosity of supporters nationwide.

    Hillsdale icollage